S. America Walnut
Common names: WALNUTS S. AMERICA, s. American Walnut, Peruvian walnut
Botanical classification: Juglans neotropica. Fam.: Juglandaceae.
Main products: Sawn wood, veneer.
Natural attributes - structure - origins: Medium to heavy weight wood (650 kg/m³), with beautiful dark brown-colored heartwood and blackish streaks. Rough-textured (porous) with a mainly straight, but sometimes wavy, grain. It grows in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Mexico, Argentina.
Natural durability in time: Moderately resistant wood to fungus. The sapwood may be infected by insects Anobium and Lyctus. Wood is resistant to biodegradation.
Mechanical attributes: Wood with medium flexural strength and high crushing strength, low in stiffness. Solid wood and elastic with excellent mechanical properties.
Density: R (12-15%) = 0.65g/cm³
Drying behavior and stability after drying: Good drying with a slight tendency for distortion. There is moderate dimensional variability after drying.
Impregnation behavior: The sapwood is permeable while the heartwood is resistant to impregnation.
Bending behavior: Very good flexural behaviour when steaming.
Working properties - tool blunting: Easy to work with hand tools and machinery, with moderate tool blunting. Planing and sanding offer a smooth and glossy surface. Care and appropriate measures (mask, special clothing) must be taken when cutting/planishing this type of wood since its dust contains skin and respiratory system irritants.
Νailing and screwing: Easy nailing and screwing.
Behavior in welding: Good.
Dyeing and finishing: Good paint, very good finish.
High quality furniture, joinery, musical instruments, butts of weapons and gunstocks, accessories for stores, offices and banks, decorative veneers for paneling and marquetry.