


Common names: EUROPEAN OAK, Oak European, English-Polish kl.p. Oak (1), Pendunculata oak (2)

Botanical classification: (1) Quercus petrea, Q. sessiliflora (2) Q. ropur, Q. pendunculata. Fam.: Fagaceae


Main products: Sawn wood, veneer

Natural attributes - structure - origins: Heavy wood (670-720 kg/m3). The heartwood is light yellow brown to yellow-gray. Usually straight grain wood but may have irregular structure and be cross grained, depending on the growth conditions. Characteristic silver grain figure on quarter-sawn wood due to broad rays. The British and Baltic oak is hard and rough with weight 720 kg/m3 while the oak of N. Poland and the softer Slovenian oak have density 670 kg/m3. It grows in Europe, UK, middle Asia and North Africa.

Natural durability in time: Durable heartwood. The acid content erodes metals and therefore non-ferrous or galvanized metals should be used.

Mechanical attributes: If in contact with ferrous metals acquires blue spots, due to oxidation.

Density: R (12-15%) = 0,67-0,72 gr/cm3


Drying behavior and stability after drying: Very slow drying susceptible to cracking and warping. There is a little dimensional variability after drying.

Impregnation behavior: The sapwood is permeable and the heartwood is extremely resistant to impregnation.

Bending behavior: Very good steam bending properties.

Working properties - tool blunting: Causes moderate to heavy tool-blunting. Cutters must be kept sharp. Planing and shaping requires a cutting angle of 20 degrees.

Gluing behavior: Special care required.

Behavior in the dyeing and finishing: Very good dyeing and finishing.


The preponderance of tyloses in the pores of white oaks resists the passage of liquids making them suitable for barrels of cognac, wine and beer. The Slovenian, German, Volhynian oak is preferred for furniture. The English oak is best for boat building, dock and harbour work, sea defences, railway wagons, ladder rungs, sills, thresholds and for all purposes of exposure in contact with the ground. High class joinery, coffins, church furniture and carving, flooring, vehicle body bearers, plywood, decorative veneer in characteristic silver grain or raindrops design.


teak isoveno 660